jueves, 6 de agosto de 2015

¿Green or not?

This topic causes doubts on me. On the one hand I alway have been respectful with little customs like don't throw the garaje to the floor or burn it and to generate a lot of smoke, but I think that I never have never done something meaningful about it. 

In the last years my dad started to recycling. In a corner on the kitchen we collect different types of packing, cartons, bags, tins, between others and every two or three weeks he goes to the "Green Point" located . By myself, I worry to close the key of the water, turn off the lights and the whater heater when are not used. The same way I do with telephone charger,.   

Nevertheless, also I have bad practices for the environment. For example, in my house we have a wood stove, but we try to don't use it too much, because it's known the damage that they do. Also exist other daily practices like use spray deodorant or gas for cooking.

Sometimes I think about global problems in this respect and off course that one does not agree with practices like hunting or the big industrial contamination, and personally I prefer live in a green area with a lot of threes and natural landscape instead of a city, but I believe that to be considered a "Green Person" you have to do more than that and prove it with important actions. So, though I do little actions in favour of environment, it might not consider me one of them.

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