jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013


Hello class! Today I am going to talk about the interesting web page, over all for a journalism studient and informed citizen

The site related to my career that most I watch is www.cooperativa.cl

This site is the portal web of radio Cooperativa, the most important radio in Chile. Is a good center of informatiom because have all type of this. When you enter at the page, can see a big holder with the most important notice at the moment.

This portal web have a los of sections, like:

- Front Page
- Country
- Sports
- Trends
- World
- Opinion
- Specials
- Pictures
- Audio

I visite this site between three and five times per day and a I like it because it´s always actualized and show, in a arranged way, the notice that happening at the moment.

jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013

Where I live

Hi, I am going to talk about the village where I live

Quilicura is a village on the north of Santiago where live approximately two hundred thousand persons.

Here exist a lot of industries and I thing that is the more work produce locally, nevertheless, the majority of people go out for work, like on the center or high neighborhood.

Recently was constructed a Mall Arauco Quilicura, and now is the most fun place, also is located to the side of principal square. This village don´t stands out for be a funny one.

I like that lately the major has made a lot of green area, or exercises machine in the squares and boulevards, so much people can go and do sports on the night and somethings like that.

The bad part is that much people says it´s far away to the center of the city, wich one it´s true. I don´t like it beacuse means a lot of traffic big part of a day.

¿What I would do to improve it? Undoubtedly, I believe that te most important thing to do now is make the Metro of Santiago come to this village, that it would do raise in many aspects: conectivity, modernity, etc.

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

La tregua, great book!

Hello! Now, iam going to post about one of my favourite books

This book is "La Tregua", for the uruguayan writer Mario Benedetti. Was published a first time on 1960.

This novel narrates the story of Martin Santomé, a 49 years old widower who writes a personal diary with his life. First we know about his family and job, but the story make more interesting when a woman appeared in his job and he fall in love of her. Exist a big age difference between they, but anyway have a relationship.

The final is a little tragic and i don`t going to tell you, because i would that you, sometime read it.

The message that this book delivery is a hope message about love, "La tregua" means the moment that they shared tohether and how necessary was to him, comeback to feel love.