jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

A shocking photography

Hello everybody, i`m going to show one of my favourite photogaphy


 This photo was took by Israeli photographer Oded Balilty, was taken on 2006 and won the Pulitzer Prize for photojournalism in 2007.

The image shows an a woman Jewish settler struggling against Israeli security forces during the evacuation of the one settlement in the West Bank.

I like it because it`s a schoking image that show the difference between phiysical force and strenght, also use the photography to make another way  to see the conflict in Middle East, 

When the woman who appeared on the photo, Nili, was interviewed, she says that the image was a little lier because only show her, the police and all the uniformed man behind, but don`t show the people who was behind her, ir means, the lord and israelí people  

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